It's been awhile since I posted to the blog, so now is a good time to bring everyone up-to-date.
Sea Story is currently berthed at the Singlar Fidepaz Marina in la Paz. She's going to be there for the summer, because this is relatively secure berth during the hurricane season (August through October) season. Susan and Dennis Ross, with Ross Marine Services, are keeping watch on her, and she has a new sun cover to ward off the excess UV rays that are so hard on boats at this latitude.
La Paz turned out to be a fabulous port and the absolutely best part of Mexico I've experienced so far. I just can't say enough about the friendly people, the wonderful marina facilities and the fascinating sailing experiences this area provides.
I'll be spending the summer in Rocklin, California and the Minneapolis, Minnesota area, and heading back down to la Paz sometime in November or December to get Sea Story back on the water and exploring the Sea of Cortez.
More to come on some of the people I met and the places I visited this past winter season.