Apr 23, 2010

Racing and Swimming with Sea Lions

The time here in La paz has been very active since we got back from the month-long expedition up into the Sea of Cortez last February.  Last week it was swimming with the Sea Lions out at Los Islotes, a very small and rocky island just off the north end of Isla Partida, about an hour and a half from La paz in a 20' panga powered by  a 100 hp honda outboard.  These sea lions are old hands at showing off for the scuba divers and snorkelers, and they will actually make contact with you in the water; nibbling on your flippers, or even mouthing your arm or leg just like a playful puppy...!
Butch and Cynthia on the Norseman 447, Albatross, set up the trip and invited us along.  Below are some of Butch's photos from the trip:

Before the Sea Lions, it was the annual celebration of Bayfest, Club Cruceros annual season wrap-up of fun, music, games and even a sail boat race.  Sea Story finished a respectable second in her class in the race, and I got a bottle of wine for helping with the Man-Overboard training session that provided some 40-odd cruisers some actual hands-on experience in bringing our volunteer swimmers back on a sailboat after they were in the water.  This was a lot like the Man-Overboard Symposium I helped with in Sausilito back in 2005.  And, it was a real eye-opener this time as well.  Most people just don't realize how much is involved with getting someone back on board a sailboat if they are in any way incapacitated.
The rest of Bayfest was good music, an art show, beach volleyball, seminars, card and dominoes tournaments and a lot of great socializing.  Some very good photos are available on the Club Cruceros website at http://www.clubcruceros.org/
My bottle of wine award for helping with the man-overboard training.  Much better than a certificate of appreciation!

1 comment:

Summer Wind said...

Maybe we'll see you in Wisconsin this summer. Holly says it's time to loose the beard.